Thursday, 21 February 2013

Food Poisoning Continued

Hey everyone, it's been so long since my last update, well not long though, i did update when i had food poisoning. Not saying i didn't want to update about food poisoning in a long blog post, but i just wasn't in the mood really, with all the medicine going through my body and spending my one week holiday in the house not going anywhere, well what can i say, it's just leggo. 

So let's reminiscent on my last blog post where i said i had food poisoning. Well it actually occured after i went to a wedding at Pangkor Island. The next day, well what can i say, my tummy was not in the right mood. It was like alll grumbling and allll arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

So woke up and took Bescopan to soothe my pain, to which did, but didn't last really long since it came back eary in the morning again. Told Daddy, and Daddy went out to buy me food and more medicine. More to herbal really, Pil Chikit Tek Aun. Funny! Hahahahaah

So i still didn't feel well, so told Dad to bring me to a private clinic at Simpang. The Dr says that i ate wrong food. Welll daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that was the reason why i came to have a bloody check up moron! So he gave me Charcoal Meds to suck all the toxic in my body and two more. The pain did go away, but the next day was worse. The pain went away, but the gas in my body was oushing my diaphram upwards to which didn't allow me to stand straight since it hurts like whadda ell man!

But Alhamdulillah it got better the next day which was great since i had to go back home to Nilai on the bus, and if i had that stomach ache you say, that wouldn't be nice at all. So everything went well until i came back to my university. The first night was okay until the second night. I didn't remember what i ate, but 5 o'clock in the morning i had stomach cramps that can make you cry. Rushed to the toilet and literally was in the toilet for half an hour. Wen back in the room and took meds that the doctor gave me because i couldn't stand it, then forced myself to sleep again. Then woke up at 8AM and straight away went to my university's clinic.

Yes i had morning class, but how can i go with this kind of stomach ache? So went and explained to the Doctor that i've had them for a week and so on and he gave me more meds. More leggo. And not forgetting to ask for a sick slip so i don't have to go to class. So went back to my room and carried on with my sleep. Had to wake up since i had presentation at 2.30PM.

Alhamdulillah i felt better.

Until now i feel better,

But no worries, i always have the meds with me,

So until the next post?

See you soon !

